Sunday, April 1, 2018

Colored Section

Not much color in this colored section of St. Louis
Everything seemed sepia tone
Splashes of red, sometimes yellow
Shocked the mundane

Things were more vibrant at night
When dreams took hold and imaginations ran wild
Fear reached the spectrum
And color became the soother

We were locked in dullness
Accused of striking against the normal order
We wanted to see the rainbows
Just like everyone else

Above our tarred rooftops
And brown flattened yards
We wanted color
In this colored section

Copyright TLA

Friday, July 10, 2015

Hand Over the Bunny

Hand Over the Bunny

Please keep in mind this is the first script I’ve written for a film short. I am not sure if the script is written in the proper format. Also, I apologize for the artwork.

Shot 1:

The camera (full shot) is facing a person who is sitting at a table. The room is mostly barren except for the table, the chair, and the person in the chair. There is an overhead light that is shining brightly on the person. On the table is a chessboard, which is also brightly lit by the one light. There are a few pieces on the board and a few lying on the table. The sitting player is in agony. Moans and cries are heard. The sitting player periodically reaches down under the table and sobs more.

Shot 2:

The camera (full shot) is now facing the one door to the empty room. The door opens and standing in the doorway is a person dressed in a long overcoat and a very large hat. A very bright light illuminates the person in the door. The standing person eyes the sitting chess player and then eyes the chessboard.

Shot 3:

The camera is now overhead and it is a wide shot. The sitting chess player is still moaning and reaching down under the table. “It’s your move,” states the sitting player.
“Good,” states the standing person. “Knight to King to Bishop seven. Checkmate.”

Shot 4:

Still a wide shot of both players. The sitting player cries out loud.
“Now hand over the bunny,” demands the standing player. The sitting player bends down and picks up something furry from under the table. It is a small white rabbit. The sitting player hands the rabbit to the standing player. There are loud sobs coming from the sitting player.

Shot 5:

Still a wide shot of both players. The standing player takes the rabbit and walks out of the room. The door slams.

Shot 6:

There is now a close up shot of the sitting player. The sitting player’s head is on the chessboard. Louds sobs are heard.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Love Story in Haiku



Clad in winks and smiles

Adorned with leather and spice

Towered deferred dreams


A golden promise

A flash, faux pearls and diamonds

Melody of hope


Belief was the rule

The glow blinded the reasons

We held onto faith


We drowned the whispers

We squashed the emergent pain

Our truth was the rule


But tears dull the shine

We once held hope now hold dust

Screams supplant the dreams


Wishes fool the heart

            We ran to what fought the hurt

                        Hurt had no defense


By Terry Lynn Armstead

Copyright TLA 4/3/2015

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Common Chaos

Everyone remembers the shot
We stood on front porches
Arms folded
Peering across and down and up our avenue
We were not ashamed
We knew the ritual
The festival of neighborhoods began
Conversation muted but steady

(This is just a working poem from a working short story; this is totally unorganized)

Red Stairs

Rising, reaching, joining
Blue, calling, naming
Brown, deep, warm
Home, black, family

Copyright TLA 4/5/2015

Monday, May 31, 2010

I believe alcohol is more of a connecting substance than blood in my family.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm running out of time. I'm always running out of time.